Pufferfish for Grasshopper


Pufferfish for Grasshopper

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    What is the course about?

    Pufferfish is a plugin that focuses on tweening different types of data in Grasshopper. The word tweening essentially means morphing or blending one object or data type into another version of itself, like the animal the plugin is named after.

    The plugin also contains a collection of more general tools for grasshopper that may save you time in your workflow.

    Because of the enormous number of components in the plugin, we will focus on some of the more core components of the plugin as more of a general introduction. We will examine how to tween geometry types such as curves, surfaces, meshes and twisted boxes.

    What will you learn in each video?

    In this lesson we will look give a general overview of the Pufferfish plugin and the types of capabilities we will explore in the course.

    In this lesson we will tween our first geometry to create a collection of curves. We will examine a few different methods available to us in Pufferfish to understand the difference. We will then apply this logic to 3D printing, and create a 3D printed toolpath for a complex geometry.

    We can also apply our tweening logic to surface geometries in Grasshopper. Similar to curve tweening, there are a few different components available to us in Pufferfish to tween surfaces, and this lesson will explore each with a general overview.

    Aside from tweening, Pufferfish contains some other geometry manipulation tools, such as the voxel mesh tool, which allows us to recreate mesh geometries as a pixelized, or ‘voxelized’ version of themselves. We will examine the component and its different parameters.

    Another component that focuses on manipulating existing geometry is the Displace Mesh component, which lets us affect mesh geometries based on simple attractor algorithms.

    Meshes can also be subject to tweening in Pufferfish, however they come with more caveats than other geometry types. They are, however, quite powerful when setup correctly. We will examine the different methods available to us in the plugin to tween meshes.

    Perhaps one of the most powerful and fun tools we can use in Pufferfish are the Twisted Box transformation components. These components allow us to tween, transform and morph all types of interesting geometries. In this lesson we will create something complex and awesome using our tweened mesh geometries, and try to manipulate our last unused mesh geometry in-between them.

    This lesson, we will examine how to prepare organic Sub D geometries for twisted box arrays in the Pufferfish plugin.

    This lesson will examine different ways to apply gradients of colours in Grasshopper. We will begin by looking at simple applications using Pufferfish, and then move to more complex geometry based applications using Chromodoris.

    What are the learning objectives for the course?

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