Photoshop for Beginners


Photoshop for Beginners

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    This course will serve as a crash course into Adobe Photoshop for beginners new to the program. Photoshop is a software part of the Adobe Creative Suite and is used widely to create pixel based graphic images in all design industries.

    We will explore the main tools of the program through an exercise where we will apply post-production photo-montage effects to architectural visualisations of Mies van der Rohe’s Neunationalgalerie.

    What will you learn in each video?

    This lesson will examine the different ways we can setup new documents in Photoshop, and provide tips on when is best to use what type of document.

    This lesson will explore the Photoshop interface, how to navigate around the Photoshop canvas, and explore how to customize your toolbars and settings.

    Photoshop is typically used to edit, combine and manipulate images external to the program. To begin working with Photoshop, we typically need to place external images onto our canvas. This lesson will explore 3 common ways to import external images into Photoshop.

    Often you will find your image is a lot smaller than your Photoshop canvas size. This lesson will explore a number of ways we can adjust our canvas size to fit out image, including image sizing, canvas sizing, the crop tool and the trim tool.

    In Photoshop, we can move and transform objects and images on our canvas. In this lesson, we will test the move tool and the different options within the free transform tool by placing an external image and adjusting it to fit into our scene.

    Using layers in Photoshop is one of the most critical tools for image manipulation in the software. Layers essentially work like a pile of stacked papers on our desk. The one at the top is what we see first, and will block out anything below it. This lesson will explore the basics of layers, how to apply layer effects, layer groups and smart layers.

    Selection tools in Photoshop give us direct control over our editing and manipulation of our images. There are a number of powerful tools we can use to select specific pixels in our image. In this lesson we will explore marquee selection, lasso selection, quick selections and colour range selections.

    The brush and eraser tools are two of the most common creation tools in Photoshop. They essentially act together as painter and erasers wherever we click with our mouse. This lesson will explore how we can use them together to add effects to our image, and how to customize the brush settings on each tool.

    In Photoshop, we can choose from an enormous library of colours that we can apply to our tools. We will explore how to create custom colours and apply them to our tools, how to save colours, and how to create gradient effects from our colours.

    Masks are one of the most critical tools in Photoshop. Masks allow us to control what we want to see and what we don’t want to see on any layer in our file. This lesson will explore different ways we can create and manipulate masks to affect the visibility of our different layers in our file.

    Adjustment layers allow us to make tweaks to our image (like brightness, contrast and saturation) that we can turn on or off in Photoshop. They are similar to filters that you might see on any social media app. This lesson will explore how we can use adjustment layers to affect different parts if our image.

    Blending modes in Photoshop are a set of exploratory tools that allow us to blend objects together. These tools might make our image brighter / darker / luminescent or luminescent, and can be used to quickly create simple effects in our image. In this lesson, we will examine how to add life to the background of our image, and how to affect materiality of objects in our image using blending modes.

    The Clone Stamp tool helps us make adjustments to our image by sampling other parts of the image in Photoshop. In this lesson, we will use the clone stamp tool to fill in some unwanted gapes that currently exist in our Photoshop image.

    Photoshop has a range of blurs and filters we can use to generate effects on objects, or simulate overall camera effects on our image. In this lesson, we will explore how to apply blurs to specific effects and object in our image, how to add camera blurs to our overall image, and how to apply filters from Photoshop’s filter gallery.

    Photoshop now comes with AI generative tools that allow you to create and manipulate images from text prompts, and these are really easy to use. In this lesson, we will explore how to use text prompts to generate new objects in our image from nothing.

    Once you have created a final artwork, you will want to export it as an external file for printing or presenting on a screen. This lesson will examine different ways to save and export your images from Photoshop.

    What are the learning objectives for the course?

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