Ladybug Daylight Analysis


Ladybug Daylight Analysis

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    What is the course about?

    Environmental analysis software is often expensive and difficult to customize for any complex design project. Luckily, the Ladybug plugin for Grasshopper is free and can integrate seamlessly into your design project.

    In this course we will use Ladybug to import and analyze standard weather data in Grasshopper; run simulations and create Sun-path diagrams and radiation diagrams that are completely customizable. We will explore how to run radiation and sunlight analysis live on geometry in Rhino & Grasshopper, and use this information to inform our designs and even directly affect our projects.

    What will you learn in each video?

    Ladybug isn’t as seamless as other Grasshopper plugins, and can be a little tricky to install, so this lesson will help to walk through the installation process.

    In this lesson we will examine how to create a Ladybug simulation to measure the daylight sun hours for an urban massing model. This simulation will give us information around the number of hours of direct sunlight received by a massing volume in an urban context over a specified time period.

    In this lesson we will create an Incident Radiation simulation in Ladybug that gives us an approximation of the energy that can be collected from solar thermal systems. This simulation will be quite a similar setup to our daylight analysis simulation.

    Now that we have a better understanding of some of the analytical tools available to us in Ladybug, we will apply these tools to a design project. In this lesson we will create a parametric tower with a series of window openings that respond to our radiation analysis – where openings are smaller when exposed to greater radiation, thereby increasing the thermal comfort levels inside the tower.

    What are the learning objectives for the course?

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